Did you hear about the cop who told the suspect, "You have the right to remain silent."?
The suspect responded, "Imposible. I'm vegan."

Back in the 70's, I watched a movie called "Soylent Green".
It was set in 2022.
I will not be eating fake meat.

If vegetables are so good, why do vegans always try to make them taste like meat?

A woman with a salad walked past me in the restaurant and said "you know a cow died so you could eat that beefburger."
I said "if you weren't eating its food it might have lived."

Hey vegans, cows poop on your food.

Diet Tip:
Eating a burger is a great way to suppress your appetite.

Hamburger helper only works if the hamburger ls ready to accept that it needs help.

beer = hops
hops = plants
plants = salad
beer = salad
Sit down and have a few salads.

Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Stop the violence.
Eat meat!

There's plenty of room for all God's creatures.
Right next to the mashed potatoes.

The next time a vegan complains that you are eating meat, tell them you killed the cow because it was eating their food.

Question: How can you tell whether someone is vegan?
Answer: Because they tell you... again, and again, and again.
And again.

Cows eat grass.
Steak is a plant-based meat.

A couple of diners are staring at the burgers they just ordered.
"Jane, try the burger, you'll love it."
"Debbie, I told you, I'm on a strict plant-based diet."
"Don't worry. these burgers are all plant-based."
"Hmm, this is delicious. What plant is this from?"
"Meat packing plant."

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Is an argument between two Vegans still called a Beef?

Dear Vegans:
I killed this cow because it was eating your food.
You're welcome.

Meat is so good that even vegans pretend they're eating it.

Eating meat daily reduces your chance of becoming a vegetarian by 100%.

Companies are bragging about making plants that taste like meat ... cows have been doing that forever.

How To Prepare Tofu:
Step 1: Throw it in the trash.
Step 2: Grill some real meat.

Vegan Bacon:
When life has truly lost all meaning.

Fun Fact:
We have never found a cave painting of a salad.

All mushrooms are edible.
Some mushrooms are only edible once.

If Meat is murder, then give me a double homicide with fries on the side.

If eating meat is wrong, I don't want to be right.

National Organization Toutng People Eating Tasty Animals NOTPETA

I'm a member of PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals.

I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to hunt lettuce!

Support HETA - Humans Eating Tasty Animals.

I hate to see animals suffer.
So I kill them with one shot.

I'm pro-choice.
I choose to fish, hunt, trap, eat meat and wear fur.

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