Barack Hussein Obama

Obama's FBI did not break "rules" or "policies." They broke LAWS. They did not "make mistakes." They committed CRIMES.

Barack Hussein Obama gave $1.7 billion in cash to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Department of Justice called for an investigation!

Barack Hussein Obama
The most successful commander-in-chief the Islamic world has ever had.

It took a worldwide pandemic.
It took a 35% plunge in the stock market.
It took six feet of social distancing.
It took quarantining.
It took many small businesses closing.
It took canceling practically everything,
To bring the USA economy back to the Obama high mark.
- Rush Limbaugh

Credit Card Operator: Hello, Mr. Obama. We're seeing some suspicious acitvity on your card. Did you buy 4,000 pallets of bricks?
Barack Hussein Obama: They're called justice cubes, and yes, those charges are fine.

Barack Hussein Obama - The Imposter
It's a story of a man,
Who is half white, but pretends to be black,
Who is a Muslim, but pretends to be Christian,
Who funded ISIS, but pretends to have fought them,
Who incites Blacks against Whites, but pretends to be a social justice warrior,
Who was born in Kenya and grew up in Indonesia, but pretends to be an American,
Who gave our enemies Uranium and billions of dollars, but pretends to care about America

2016 I've tried to fix the economy for 8 years. Nothing can fix it.
2019 Trump didn't fix the economy; I did. It was my work that fixed the economy, like I planned.

2020 Corona didn't tank the economy; Trump did. Nothing can fix it now. Trump can't fix this.

I am not "incompetent." I am destroying America more quickly than anyone thought possible.
i am not "in over my head." I am advancing totalitarianism right under your noses.
I am not "stupid." The "stupid" are those who fail to see the danger I bring.
I am not "failing." I am succeeding at every goal I have set.
I am embracing your enemies and rejecting your friends.
I am acting lawlessly and unconstitutionally.
i am ignoring your Constitution.
I am disobeying your laws.
Your media is abetting me.
Your Congress is not stopping me.
Those sworn to defend your Constitution are not removing me.
I am "fundamentally transforming the United States of America.°
Your Constituuon, liberty, freedom, wealth, future and children are no longer at risk ...
... the risk is past: they already are lost.

President Obama holds the world record for the most children killed by a Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Upon hearing that Iran fired missles at American military bases, he was heard to proudly say, "I paid for those using American dollars!

A president who threatens to defund our nation's military if congress doesn't close Guantanamo Bay has no interest in the national security and safety of the United States and the American people.
- Barack Hussein Obama, Making Treason Legal Since 2009

Before my presidency, there was no ISIS. There was no caliphate. There was no Black Lives Matter. There was no Antifa. There was no war on police.
I built that!
- Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Hussein Obama is the anti-Midas.
Everything he touches turns to shit.

Leftist: If Obama had been white you would think he was great.
Conservative: If Obama were white, his mediocre ass would be working at McDonalds.

Q: Why is Obama like a daiper?
A: Because he is self absorbed and full of sh!t.

Q: How can you tell that Obama is a socialist?
A: Because he wants to make his Marx on the country.

Barack's Lies Matter.

The American people are much better off today than before I took office eight years ago.
- Barack Hussein Obama farewell speech January 10, 2017
Obama takes office 2009
Obama leaves office 2014
$10.6 trillion
national debt
$20 trillion
debt per U.S.Citizen
labor force
participation rate
home ownership rate
real median
household income
average health insurance
rate family plan
tax benefits ratio
32 million
food stamp dependents
43.6 million
38 million
persons living in poverty
45 million
Sources: U.S.Treasury Department, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
U.S. Department of Agriculure, U.S. Congressional Budget Office.

Mr. Obama has been going around saying that the current surging economy is actually the result of his actions, and not those of Mr. Trump. I have done some research into this, and I can in fact track the resurgence of the economy back to Mr. Obama's presidency. One action he took has had a huge positive effect on the economy, an action that I think will continue to have positive economic effects for years.
He left office.

All of the Russian interference happened while Obama was president. But Obama said it was impossible to meddle in our elections.
So was he "in on it" or was he just stupid?

Obama signs executive order renaming 'looters' to 'undocumented shoppers'
- The People's Cube

In the spirit of Black History Month, let’s take a moment to celebrate that Barack Hussein Obama is now history.
- Dangerous Troll

Obama's legacy
Ferguson Riots, Baltimore Riots, Milwaukee Riots, Charlotte Riots

Putin: If I could hack your elections, you wouldn't have had 8 years of Obama.

If its as easy as the Democrats seem to think it is to remove an elected President, why did we suffer though 8 years of Obama?

GOVERNMENT WARNING: If you were able to complete ObamaCare form online, it wasn't a legitimate government website; you should report online fraud and change all your passwords

Polls say that Obama has a 55% approval rating.
Polls also said that Hillary would be president.

There are two major reasons why radical Muslim terrorists have been allowed to grow into the biggest threat to world security today...
Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

QUID PRO QUO: Once Obama leaves office, America should treat him with the same disdain and contempt with which he's treated America.
- Dinesh DeSouza

According to a poll, the majority of Americans are OK with the Obama administration listening in on our phone calls. Guys approve because they feel it increases security. And women approve of Obama's policy because finally a man is listening to them.
- Conan O'Brien

It's come out that the government has been secretly collecting telephone records of millions of Verizon customers. Yeah, or as Verizon is calling it, 'The friends and family and Obama plan.'
- Conan O'Brien

President Obama said he welcomes a national debate over our surveillance policies. He said that's a debate we wouldn't have had five years ago. Five years ago? It's a debate we wouldn't have had two weeks ago if they all hadn't gotten caught.
- Jay Leno

This spying scandal at the White House isn't going away. In fact, it was just announced that President Obama will meet a group of regular Americans to hear their concerns about the White House surveillance program. Or more accurately, to RE-HEAR them.
- Jimmy Fallon

Another scandal hit the White House today. A report found that the government has been secretly collecting the phone records of Verizon customers. I knew something was up when I said, 'You hang up first.' Then my wife said, 'No, YOU hang up first!' Then Obama said, 'Uh, how about you just hang up at the same time?'
- Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Carter can rest easy.
Barack Hussein Obama has replaced him as the worst president EVER!

The media is supposed to be our watch-dog, not Barack Obama's lapdog.
- Dana Loesch

Barack Hussein Obama signs executive order renaming 'looters' to 'undocumented shoppers'

Barack Hussein Obama: 'Ebola is the JV of viruses'

Barack Hussein Obama: you didn't build that.
Barack Hussein Obama followers: if you build that, we will loot it.

President Kennedy put a man on the moon.
President Obama put a man in the ladies room.

It's getting serious!
Obama just threatened to unfriend Putin on Facebook.

So the left wants to blame Trump for the violent protests of white nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Does that mean we can finally blame Barack Hussein Obama for all the violent protests of Black Lives Matter in Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee, and Charlotte? Not to mention all the police officers assassinated by BLM supporters.

Congressional Democrats: "We cannot just simply replace Obamacare with freedom because then millions of Americans will suddenly become free"
- The People's Cube

When did repeal and replace become:
If you like your Obamacare you can keep your Obamacare?
- Rand Paul

Breaking News From The White House:
Press Secretary: "Trump's tax records are now available in a safe place for all to see."
CNN Reporter: "Where is that?"
Press Secretary: "They're underneath Obama's college records, his birth record, his passport application, his immigration status as a student, his funding source to pay for college, his college records, his selective service registration and Hillary's email log and 66,000 missing emails."

Obama to tornado victims: 'We inherited this weather from the previous administration'

Obama blames previous Olympics for failure to win at this Olympics

Obama refutes charges of him being unresponsive to people's suffering: "When you pray to God, do you always hear a response?"

Obama decrees the economy is not soaring as much as previously decreed.

Obama calls new taxes 'spending reductions in tax code.' Elsewhere rapists tout 'consent reductions in sexual intercourse'

Obama attends church service, worships self.

Obama: green economy likely to transform America into a leading third world country of the new millennium

Enraged by accusation that they are doing Obama's bidding, media leaders demand instructions from White House on how to respond.

Obama Administration running food stamps across the border with Mexico in an operation code-named "Fat And Furious"

Boston: Obama Administration to reclassify marathon bombing as 'sportsplace violence'

Obama administration gets serious, threatens Syria with ObamaCare

White House pledges to embarrass ISIS back to the Stone Age with a barrage of fearsome Twitter messages and fatally ironic Instagram photos

Obama to fight ISIS with new federal Terrorist Regulatory Agency

Obama vows ISIS will never raise their flag over the eighteenth hole

Somewhere in Kenya a village is missing its idiot ...
Just kidding. They don't miss him.

Nurse to patient prepping for a colonoscopy. "Sir, Obamacare won't cover your prep kit. So we'll have to slap the shit out of you."

Obama and the Pope are on a sinking boat. There is only one life jacket.
Pope: "Barry, you take the life jacket and swim. I'm old and have lived a full life!"
Obama: "No, you take it! You have to swim in the water! I can walk on it."

On inauguration day, Michelle Obama turned to Melania Trump and asked, "How could you marry that man?"
Melania replied, "Earlier, I asked Barack that same question."

Barack and Michelle are at a baseball game. Before the game starts, Barack throws Michelle out of the stands. A Secret Service man standing next to Barack, says "No, Mister President. You were suppose to throw out the first pitch."

Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama are all in a plane.
Oprah throws off $100 and makes 100 people happy.
Michelle throws $1,000 off and makes 1,000 people happy.
Barack throws $10,000 off and makes 10,000 people happy.
The pilot throws all 3 of them off board and makes the whole world happy.

Next time you laugh at a child for believing in Santa, just remember, there are liberals that believe in Barack Hussein Obama.

Putin: Knock, Knock.
Obama: Who's there.
Putin: Crimea
Obama: Crimea Who
Putin: Crimea River

Obama said he wanted to talk man to man about this...
I said, OK, put Michelle on the phone then.

Things I trust more than Barack Hussein Obama
The boy who cried wolf, Mexican Tap Water, a Rattlesnake With A "Pet Me" Sign, An Elevator Ride with Ray Rice, Bill Cosby As A Bartender, Gas Station Sushi, A Jimmy Carter Economic Plan, Brian Williams News Reports, Emails From A Nigerian Princess, a bigfoot sighting, Loch Ness monster sightings, a Palestinian wit a suicide bomber vest shouting "Allahu Akbar," and A Prostate Exam From Captain Hook.

The whole Barack Hussein Obama era was "conceived in delusion, executed in incompetence and spite."

Barack Hussein Obama - In eight years I improved life for millions:
of illegal aliens, every Muslim terrorist group and basically everyone I could except the one country I was responisble for.

Q: What do Simba and Obama have in common?
A: One is an African Lion and the other one is a lyin' African!

The only time Barack Hussein Obama is the smartest man in the room is when he is the only man in the room.

Breaking News: Michelle Obama To Divorce Barack On Grounds Of #HoboSexuality - Apparently He Is A Bum Fuck

November 2016
To all the liberals saying "How could we elect a racist as our president?"
Don't worry he will be out of office in two more months.

In 2008 when Barack Hussein Obama talked about President Bush and Hurricane Katrina, he said "Bush only saw the people from a window of an airplane instead of down here on the ground trying to provide comfort and aide."
In 2016 Barack Hussein Obama, while playing golf in Martha's Vineyard, refused to interrupt his vacation or comment on his ignoring the disaster caused by Louisiana flooding.

We must ban all assault weapons because Federal background checks simply don't work. - Barack Hussein Obama
Don't worry about 100,000 Muslim refugees because they're all getting Federal background checks. - Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Hussein Obamas new motto.
If you think I'm stupid, you should meet the people that voted for me.

President Kennedy put a man on the moon.
President Obama put a man in the ladies room.

Oba Mao

Barack Hussein Obama visits Hiroshima.
American response.
Obama does not speak for Americans. We are not sorry for saving a million lives and ending a war we did not start.

Death and taxes in one convenient package.

Barack Hussein Obama's reaction to hearing that the Veteran's Administration allowed veterans to die rather than provide them with medical care.
I'm mad as hell! and I'm not going to do a thing about it.

A press conference we'd like to see:
Reporter: Why are you planning to grant amnesty to millions of illegals?
Barack Hussein Obama: Because they will do the jobs Americans don't want to do.
Reporter: Like what?
Barack Hussein Obama: Voting Democrat.

Barack Hussein Obama
I don't negotiate with terrorists!
I give them whatever they want.

Yesterday I saw 2 guys beating up a guy with an "Obama" sticker on his car.
I notifed the authorities but they did nothing. I guess I just wasted a perfectly good stamp.

Under communism, man exploits man. Under Obamaism, it's the other way around.

A liar, a thief, and an illegal immigrant walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Hello President Obama."

A black guy, a Muslim, and a racist walk into a bar. The bartender says, "The usual, Mr. President?"

A Kenyan, a Muslim, and a Communist walk into a bar. The bartender says "What'll it be, Mr. President?"

A socialist, a Muslim, and a terrorist walk into a bar. The bartender turns around and says, "Hello, Mr. President."

The farce is strong with Barack Hussein Obama.

Recently while in Africa, Barack Hussein Obama demanded that gays, lesbians, ... have protection under the law.
Africa responded by putting them under the law and criminalizing their behavior.

Gun Control
These men support your right to bear arms:
Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton
These men oppose it:
Hitler, Castro, Stalin, Amin, Lenin and Obama
Who do you trust?

With the introduction of Barack Hussein Obama Christmas ornaments, it is now legal to hang a black man from a tree again.

We now pay China interest of 100 million dollars per day and President Goodwrench and the dumbocrats still want to expand our debt. How's that for change?

When do we start blaming Obama?

Barack Hussein Obama For Prison 2016
Change You Can Believe In

A news reporter asked President Barack Obama to summarize his new Iran deal, he replied, "If you like your Jews you can keep your Jews."

The letters "President Barack Obama" can be rearranged to spell "An Arab Backed Imposter."

Barry Soetoro or Barack Obama. BS or BO. No matter how you look at him, he stinks.
- Cynical Pessimist

Q: What is the difference between President Barack Hussein Obama and a pile of shit?
A: The mainstream media hasn't yet tried to convince us that shit doesn't stink.
- Cynical Pessimist

When President Barack Hussein Obama was interrupted in the middle of an important golf game for something as trivial as a downtrodden African immigrant by the name of Ebola doing something in Texas, he impatiently responded by saying, "if you don't want Ebola, then you won't get Ebola."
- Cynical Pessimist

President Barack Obama said on Thursday that Republicans are committing political suicide by resisting comprehensive immigration reform.
The Republicans replied that President Barack Obama is committing national suicide with his comprehensive immigration reform.
- Cynical Pessimist

After hearing in the news that American journalist James Foley suffered a life shortening health incident, President Obama announced that he was upset that the press corpse didn't understand that there was nothing he could do. When he released five terrorist masterminds in exchange for one American with questionable loyalties that was not negotiating. It was merely part of his strategy to keep Americans safe by showing we can be trusted to not offend the sensibilities of any misunderstood workplace violence perpetrators that we are holding while investigating the awkward incident that caused their incarceration.
- Cynical Pessimist

When President Obama heard the alleged news that ISIS allegedly beheaded the alleged American journalist James Foley, the President immediately called the White House Spokesman and explained how it was important that this incident of workplace violence not be blown out of proportion. He was also heard to laugh and say that if he had a son, he would look just like this misunderstood political protestor in the black hood.
- Cynical Pessimist

President Obama announced today that it was unfortunate that Boeing 777-200ER carrying 295 people accidentally wandered into the path of a surface to air missle.
He promised that no matter what the cost in time, effort and money his crack investigators will punish the creator of the YouTube video that cased this unfortunate event.
- Cynical Pessimist

"We should be making it easier" to immigrate to the U.S., President Barack Hussein Obama
In non-political speak, this means Barack Hussein Obama plans on shutting down any organization that protects the United States borders from an invasion by Islamic terrorists, Mexican drug lords and any other groups that have no members that are old white men.
- Cynical Pessimist

Barack Hussein Obama sent his "deepest and heartfelt condolences" to the families of the the Israeli teenagers killed by Hamas. He also assured the families that he would do his best to punish the makers of the YouTube video that incited this unfortunate incident of workplace violence.
- Cynical Pessimist

Barack Hussein Obama has just announced his solution to invading armies of foreign nationals. Henceforth, the Illegal Immigrants will be known as Unlawful Migrants.
- Cynical Pessimist

Satan was talking with one of his minions recently, and Trayvon Martin's name came up. At which point, Satan said, "If I had a son, he would look like Barack Hussein Obama.
- Cynical Pessimist

10 years ago we had:
Steve Jobs
Bob Hope
and Johnny Cash.
Now we have
No Jobs
No Hope
and No Cash

Are you better off than you were 4 trillion dollars ago?

Bankrupt America?
Yes We Can!

If you voted for our current president in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, then voting for him again in 2012 you proves you are an idiot.

Give Tiger Woods a break. Obama is screwing the whole country.

So now we know ...
More Debt
More Taxes
More Welfare
More Regulation
More Government
More Wasteful Spending
More Corruption
Thanks Mr. President

Obama bin Lyin'

Opposing a socialist agenda does not make you a racist, it makes you an American!

Obama the Uniter
Bringing together a coalition of the badly misinformed, the dangerously naive, the fundamentally stupid, and the downright corrupt.

Obama - tough on capitalists; soft on terrorists.

Supporting Obama solely because he is black is racist.
Supporting Obama for any other reason is stupid.

If you voted for Obama because:
... of his work experience, then you are delusional
... of his qualifications, then you are ignorant
... of his economic plan, then you are a moron
... he is black, then you are a racist
... you want free stuff, then you are greedy
... your union told you to, then you are a tool
... you want free healthcare, then you are an idiot
But, if you voted for him because you TRULY know what he stands for, then you are a traitor.

If you fell for Obama's bullshit, you are way too stupid to argue with.

You may be a liberal if you hold your fast food resturants to a higher moral standard than your president.

You may be a liberal if you think I'm supposed to be more outraged by what Mitt Romeny does with his money than by what Obama does with mine.

Dear Barack Obama, (or whatever other f*cking name you go by) ...
Unless you are willing to open the books on Fast and Furious I humbly suggest you, shut the f*ck up about gun control.

Dear Barack Hussein Obama
My middle finger salutes you.
Sincerely, We The People

It is very sad that our first African-American President will be judged in history as the most inept, corrupt, wasteful, subversive, destructive and divisive President ever. A man twice elected because of the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.

Clinton ruined a dress, Obama ruined a nation.

As President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama's actions have ...
- threatened the U.S.Constitution
- weakened America's defenses
- encouraged our enemies
- irritated our closest allies
- moved us towards Socialism
- increased our budget deficit
- increased our national debt
- weakened our economy
- trivialized the War on Terror
- failed to meet his promises

You are either against Obama or against America.
There is no coexisting with those who want to destroy us from within.

My government spent trillions and all I got was a lousy president.

I wonder when President Obama is going to tell the Middle East to stop clinging to their "guns and religion?"

If it ain't broke, Obama will fix it until it is.

Giving Obama credit for killing Osama is like
giving Nixon credit for landing on the moon.

A taxpayer voting for Barack Obama is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
- Budd Greg

 Obamaspeak 2008  Obamaspeak 2011
 2008: Navy Seal Team 6 is Cheny's private assassination team.  2011: I put together Seal Team 6 to take out Bin Laden.
 2008: Bin Laden is innocent until proven guilty, and must be captured alive and given a fair trial.  2011: I authorized Seal Team 6 to kill Bin Laden.
 2008: Guantanamo is entirely unnecessary, and the detainees should not be interrogated.  2011: Vital intelligence was obtained from Guantanamo detainees that led to our locating Bin Laden.

President Obama was at a rural elementary school assembly in East Texas to talk about gun violence and gun control.

As he began his speech, he asked the audience for total quiet.

Then, in silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence.

Then he said in the microphone: "Children, every time I clap my hands, a child in America dies from gun violence."

Then, little Johnny Joe, with a proud East Texas drawl, pierced the quiet and said: "Well, a$$hole, stop clapping then."

Veterans Dying!

Bloggers from around the country tracked down President Obama to question him about veterans dying in VA hospitals around the ecountry.

President Obama was upset at being interrupted in the middle of an important golf game to be questioned by people that he didn't consider reporters. He then asked what a veteran was, and what country were they from.

Since President Obama couldn't bow down to the leader of the country they came from, he responded by blaming President Bush, a YouTube video and poor customer service before he finally claimed that he knew nothing about this unfortunate situation.

President Obama ended his news conference by complaining about the unwanted terrorist attack on his golf game by stating that he will set up a committee to investigate this problem. He promised that when a rogue low level employee has been blamed for this situation, that beds will roll.

- Cynical Pessimist

President Obama is concerned about the Democrats ability to retake or keep control of both houses. Therefore, just as he promised individuals could keep their doctors and insurance, he is promising the Democrats he will do everything he can to them get elected or reelected.
- Cynical Pessimist

When did "Hope and Change" become "Rope and Chains?"

When did "Hope and Change" become "Fear and Loathing?"

When did "Hope and Change" become "Hoax and Pain?"

Change we can deceive in!

From lttle A.C.O.R.N.S. mighty Marxists Grow!

In God we trust. Obama and Congress, not so much!

Guns are cheap compared to Obamacare and have better coverage
- Tactical Firearms

I like my guns like Obama likes his voters: Undocumented.
- Tactical Firearms

When did "change you can believe in" become "a man you simply cannot believe"?

Obama so loved the poor that he created millions more of them!

No child left a dime.

"What I think I heard is that if you like your privacy, you can keep it,"
- Rand Paul (after listening to Barack Hussein Obama talk abour reforming the National Security Agency.)

Barack Hussein Obama's new motto:
Laws? We don't need no stinkin' laws!
- Cynical Pessimist

Barack Hussein Obama is as much a constitutional lawyer as Adolf Hitler was a humanitarian.
- Cynical Pessimist

Thanks to the success Barack Hussein Obama had with the takeover of the insurance industry we can soon expect to hear:
If you like your constitution, you can keep your constitution.
- Cynical Pessimist

Thanks to the success Barack Hussein Obama had with the takeover of the insurance industry we can soon expect to hear:
If you like your guns, you can keep your guns.
- Cynical Pessimist

If you like your borders, you can keep your borders.

It turns out the Obamacare website has terrible security. On the bright side nobody has signed up, so there's no personal information to steal.

In abuse the race card news: Everything that blacks don't like is racist.

When did "Hope and Change" become "I was not informed?"
- Cynical Pessimist

YouTube Obamacare by Morning CMA Awards Carrie Underwood & Brad Paisley
Obamacare by morning.
Why's this taking so long?
I'm going to wind up with hemorrhoids
If I sit here till dawn.
We'll have cataracts and dementia.
Oh, this is gettin' on my last nerve.
Obamacare by morning
Over six people served.

Since the "if you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan" fiasco, the Obama administration has been struggling to find a segment of the population that can't refuse to sign up for Obamacare.

They finally found it by reviewing Democratic voter registration procedures.

The health care navigators are now going around the country to prisons and cemeteries to find names to add to the lists of people signing up for Obamacare.

- Cynical Pessimist

Obama Doctrine:

Physical fences are not needed to protect the United States southern borders from curious visitors, but will protect the White House from foreign invaders
Quarantining foreign travelers with Ebola will not protect the citizens of the United States, but quarantining patients in the United States will protect the citizens.

Barack Hussein Obama loves America like O.J.Simpson loved Nicole.

We wanted "Hope and Change", but what we really got was "Hosed and Chained".

Did he say "Change" or "Chains"?

Barack O’Bomber

Average &


I recently heard a news story that black women prefer to have large booties. The same news story also mentioned that black men prefer that their women have large booties. No mention was made about men with large booties. However, from watching the news, I have observed that at least one couple prefer the opposite. Michelle Obama must love large booties on men as Barack Hussein Obama is a much fatter ass than she is.

Breaking News:

The Secret Service took time out from their scheduled partying with Columbian Drug Lords in Columbia with hookers, drugs and Barack Hussein Obama to investigate something negative that Ted Nugent said about Barack Hussein Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.

Other outstanding winners include Yasser Arafat (world famous terrorist who first started use of suicide bombers when killing women and children).

Other outstanding winners include Al Gore (world famous illiterate scientist who discovered global warming, then global cooling, then global climate change, then ...).

Other outstanding nominees include Adolf Hitler (had millions killed) and Joseph Stalin (had millions killed).

The Nobel Peace Prize - now available in select cereal and Cracker Jack boxes. While supplies last!

Apparently Nobel prizes now being awarded to anyone who is not George Bush.

Obama also awarded Nobel prize in chemistry. "He's just got great chemistry," says Nobel Committee.

BREAKING NEWS: Obama just won the Emmy for "Best Press Conference." And the Academy just gave him an Oscar for a PowerPoint presentation he's going to make about world peace. And evidently he won a pro bowling contest in Milwaukee, a bass fishing contest in Arkansas, a blue ribbon for the biggest squash at the Iowa State Fair, the jackpot in the Megamillions lotto, and a poetry contest in Sheboygan.

If Bush were captain of the Titanic, he'd say we were stopping for ice.
If Obama were captain of the Titanic, he'd say the ship was not sinking, that he personally saved the ship.

If Barack Hussein Obama was Captain of the Titanic, after the crash he would be telling us how much better off we are than if someone else was captain. He would also be allowing more passengers to come aboard, but wouldn't allow anyone to leave.
- Cynical Pessimist

Welcome to Barack Hussein Obama's America.
Land of debris and the home of depraved.
- Cynical Pessimist

I support Barack Hussein Obama because he makes treason, slavery of the masses and the destruction of the United States patriotic.
- Cynical Pessimist

Because of Barack Hussein Obama, we need to update Paul Revere's warning signal for the threat to this country.
One, if by land,
two, if by sea,
and three, if by Presidency!
- Cynical Pessimist

What is the difference between God and Barack Hussein Obama?
God doesn't think he is Barack Hussein Obama.

Solution to the problem in Libya:
They want a new Muslim leader.
Give them ours.

The skunk has replaced the Eagle as the new symbol for the President. It is half black, half white, and everything it does stinks

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree ... and think 25 to life would be appropriate.
- Jay Leno

America needs Obamacare like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.
- Jay Leno

Obamacare: the efficiency of the Postal Service, the sustainability of Social Security and all the compassion of the IRS.

Voting for Barack Hussein Obama is like winning the special olympics.
Even though he won, you're still retarded.

Barack Hussein Obama has spent the last twenty years spending his Sunday's listening to an anti-American racist hater.
You do not spend twenty years with a person this hateful and not share the same view.

Ayatollah Obama has an Obamunist plan for his Obamanation which will hasten the Obamageddon.

Obamunist: A communist (or anyone else) who believes the Obamanation (Unified Socialists of Amerika) will be good for anything other than complete Obamageddon (complete destruction of the United States of America).

Obamunism: Not quite Communism. But right next to it.

Baskin Robbins is introducing a new ice cream in honor of the inauguration, "Barocky Road". It's half vanilla, half chocolate, surrounded by fruits and nuts! And when you order it, the person in line behind you has to pay for it.

"Clinging to guns and religion."
No big deal, those are just the first and second amendments to the constitution of the United States of America.

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
- Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people under the pretence of taking care of them.
- Thomas Jefferson

He that lives upon hope, will die fasting.
- Benjamin Franklin

Obama's health care "reform" plan is to blow up the building in order to fix a leak in the roof
- Herman Cain

With Obama's "Hope and Change", people will hope they have some change left in their pockets.
- Charlie Daniels

If we want to keep our Nation's secrets 'SECRET'.... store them where President Obama stores his college transcripts and birth certificate.
- Governor Huckabee

Sign in Restroom.

In the washroom in the airport I saw a handwritten sign posted over one of those hot air hand dryers that read:

Please push button and listen for a short message From the President!

There's nothing like "hot air" and the smell of fresh crap to give you that true Obama presence!


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
Psalm 109:8 = "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."

Tell Barack I'm Baroke!

Barack Hussein Obama: I've campaigned in 57 states!

Barack Hussein Obama: Change We Can Fear!

Barack Hussein Obama: The Audacity Of Bullshit!

Barack Hussein Obama: The Audacity Of Inexperience!

Barack Hussein Obama: The Audacity Of Hype.

Barack Hussein Obama: Because Everyone Else Deserves What You've Worked Hard For!

Barack Hussein Obama: I attended that church for 20 years - but I never listened.

Barack Hussein Obama: The most popular candidate in the Middle East.

Barack Hussein Obama: It's like asking the paperboy to manage the newspaper.

Barack Hussein Obama: If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

Barack Hussein Obama: A threat to national security.

Barack Hussein Obama: 01.20.09 The beginning of an error!

Barack Hussein Obama: Making Marxism Cool Again!

Barack Hussein Obama: Yes We Can, Fool America!

Barack Hussein Obama: Why stupid people shouldn't vote.

Barack Hussein Obama: We already removed one Hussein, let's not empower another.

Barack Hussein Obama doesn't consider terrorists the enemy because he went to school with them.

Acorn: Helping felons, dead people, pets, cartoon characters and the Dallas Cowboys vote!

Beware of Muslims in patriotic clothing.

Charles Manson was a community organizer.

If you like socialism, you'll love Barack Hussein Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama Wreckovery

Barackalypse Now

Give Al-Qaeda a Chance. Vote Barack Hussein Obama.

Any time you hear Barack Hussein Obama giving a speech, you need to remember, Hitler gave great speeches too!
And he didn't need a teleprompter!

10 out of 10 idiots support Obama.

10 out of 10 terrorists vote Democrat.

10 out of 10 morons vote Democrat.

Change morons can believe in.

I believe in a separation of Church and Hate

If you can read this, you are too smart to vote Obama.

Lemmings for Obama.

Hey, Barack! We'll lay off your wife as soon as she shuts up.

Vote Comrade Obama.


Obama is Dope.

Warning: Bitter Lutheran Clinging to Gun.

Typical Bitter White Person for McCain.

Vote for McCain: Keep the Change.

McCain: Never Threw Grandma Under the Bus.

Obama: Supported by more terrorists than any other American politician.

My God gave me hope and change 2000 years ago.
Looks like your god has over-promised and under-delivered, or maybe he's just lying.

War never solved anything.
Except slavery, oppression, genocide, communism, fascism and nazism.

How will Democrats / Librals stand up to terrorists when they can't even face Fox News?

If it's okay to call Bush Hitler, then it's okay to call Barack Hussein Obama Muslim.

Obama '08: Because I believe in puppies and unicorns and completely disarming America.

It's not racist to question whether an untested, inexperienced Senator with no legislative or military record should be our president.

Dissent is not racism.

If Barack Hussein Obama is the answer, it must have been a stupid question.

Vote for Pedro. He has more experience than Barack Hussein Obama.

I was going to be a communist for Halloween, Barack Hussein Obama stole my costume.

There is no place in politics for humor. We need to get rid of Barack Hussein Obama because he is a joke.

Somewhere in Kenya or Indonesia, a village is missing its idiot.

Technically, the destruction of a nation is change.

Liberal: An open minded individual whose brain has fallen out.

Liberalism Works: You just have to be dumb enough to believe it.

Barack Hussein Obama thinks gun owners are "bitter".
Gun owners think Barack Hussein Obama is an idiot.

United States of America
Born: July 4, 1776
Died: November 4, 2008

Sonia Sotomayer: "I am not a racist, critics have misunderstood my record."
Adolf Hitler: "I am not a racist, critics have misunderstood my record."


When Barack Hussein Obama was given a mandate by lunatics and idiots to destroy the economy of the United States of America, he needed to find an economist that could lie convincingly to the American public about what his policies were really doing to the country. His interview consisted of only one question, "what is 1 and 1?" Barack Hussein Obama kept turning down every economist until one answered, "What do you want it to be?"

What is the difference betweeen a depression and an economic recovery?
In either case you are homeless and jobless, but in an economic recovery Barack Hussein Obama tells you how he has saved the economy (and how much better off you are).

"Now, [Obama and Biden] tell us not to worry about their tax increases. They tell you they're not going to tax your family. No, they're just going to tax 'businesses.' So, unless you buy something from a business, like groceries or clothes or gasoline - or unless you get a paycheck from a business - don't worry, it's not going to affect you!"
- Fred Thompson

One reason you hear so few jokes about Barack Hussein Obama is the threat of a special, Windbag Profits Tax on profiteers who take advantage of the shortage.

Robin Hood took from the rich and gave to the poor.
Barack Hussein Obama takes from the middle class and sticks it to the poor.

Barack Hussein Obama's Tax Plan: Trickle-Up Poverty.

Your Pockets: The only place Democrats will drill.

Hide your change. Barack Hussein Obama is coming.

No bailouts. True freedom means the possibility of failure.

Spreading the wealth = theft

In America, we don't redistribute wealth. We earn it!

Conservatives teach you how to fish.
Liberals take your fish and give it to someone unwilling to fish.

I work hard so Barack Hussein Obama voters don't have to.

Recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
Depression is when you lose your job.
Recovery is when Barack Hussein Obama loses his job.

Print money? Yes we can!

What can you expect from government run health care.
All the efficiency of the post office, with all the compassion of the motor vehicle bureau.

Liberals never, ever drop a heinous idea; they just change the name. "Abortion" becomes "choice," "communist" becomes "progressive," "communist dictatorship" becomes "people's democratic republic" and "Nikita Khrushchev" becomes "Barack Obama."
- Ann Coulter


Q: Why doesn't the Church of Obama Messiah light candles?
A: Obama wants to keep his followers in the dark.

Q: How many Obamas does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but it has to be a change the light bulb can believe in.
- Craig Kenworthy, Bozeman, MT

Q: How many Barack Obamas does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. Barack simply hopes, and the light bulb changes itself.

Q: How many Barack Obamas does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. He just glows with enthusiasm and lights up the room.

Q: How many Barack Obamas does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. He just gushes about hope and the mainstream media stumble all over themselves to change it for him.

Q: How many Barack Obamas does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Just one. He holds the bulb and the world revolves around him.

Q: How many Barack Obamas does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Just one. He holds the bulb and the world revolves around him to screw it in.

Q: How many Barack Obamas does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Just one. He holds the bulb and calls it change you can believe in.

Q: How many Obama supporters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They prefer to remain in the dark.

Q: How many Obama supporters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. YOU are the change.
- Mark Katz

RANDOM Q: and A:

Q: What could be worse than enduring eight years of phony scandals?
A: Enduring eight years of a phony president.

Q: Have you heard about McDonalds new Obama Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
- Conan O'Brien

Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?
A: A fund raiser.
- Jay Leno

Q: What's the difference between Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary?
A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners.
- David Letterman

Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?
A: America!
- Jimmy Fallon

Q: What's the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
A: Bo has papers.
- Jimmy Kimmel

Q: What was the most positive result of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?
A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road.
- David Letterman

Q: How do you starve a Barack Hussein Obama's supporter?
A: Hide his food stamps under his work boots.

Q: What is the difference between Rev. Jim Jones Kool-Aid and Barack Hussein Obama's Health Care?
A: One's slower at taking affect, but in conclusion they have the same result.

Q: How can you assure being offered a job by Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Cheat on your Income Tax Returns!

Q: How can you assure being offered a job by Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Contribute to his election campaign!

Q: How can you assure being offered a job by Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Publicly display your hate for America!

Q: What do Karl Marx, Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro have in common?
A: They all endorse Barack Hussein Obama.

Q: Why does Barack Hussein Obama want higher taxes?
A: Cause he won’t be the one paying them.

Q: Why did Barack Hussein Obama cross the road?
A: To tax the other side.

Q: Why is Oprah supporting Barack Hussein Obama?
A: She has a history of supporting frauds.

Q: What do Barack Hussein Obama and Pamela Anderson's breasts have in common?
A: They're fakes, but some people still can't get enough of them.

Q: What made Barack Hussein Obama help a Chicago slumlord to victimize the poor?
A: The check.

Q: What's the problem with Barack Hussein Obama jokes?
A: His followers don't think they're funny and other people don't think they're jokes.

Q: Why are there so few real Barack Hussein Obama jokes?
A: Most of them are true stories.

Q: What's the difference between Pinocchio and Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Obama's nose doesn't grow when he lies.

Q: Candidate Obama has been telling us, "Yes We Can." What will President Obama tell us?
A: "Yes You Will."

Q: Why did Barack Hussein Obama decide to be a lawyer?
A: He didn’t want to have to work for a living.

Q: What is a lawyer gone bad called?
A: Senator Barack Hussein Obama.

Q: What does Barack Hussein Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?
A: Deductible.

Q: Why did Barack Hussein Obama register to run for office as a Democrat?
A: The Communist Party doesn’t have enough voters.

Q: Why won’t Barack Hussein Obama’s presidential jet be flight worthy?
A: It will only have a left wing.

Q: Why won't Obama Messiah release his real birth certificate?
A: It got mixed in with his Rezko mortgage records and shredded.

Q: Why won't Obama Messiah release his real birth certificate?
A: The ink isn't dry yet.

Q: Why did Barack Hussein Obama think that he had campaigned in 57 states?
A: His heavy pot use has left him a brownie short of a full pan.

Q: What do Obama and Osama have in common?
A: They're both friends with terrorists who bombed the Pentagon.

Q: Why wouldn’t Barack Hussein Obama salute the American flag?
A: It was American.

Q: Why did Barack Hussein Obama change his name from Barry to Barack?
A: He thought Barry sounded too American.

Q: What do you get when you cross a crooked politician with a crooked lawyer?
A: Barack Hussein Obama.

Q: Why is Jimmy Carter campaigning hard for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Because it's Carter's one shot to avoid going down in history as the worst president ever.

Q: Why will Senator Hillary Clinton vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Because he stole the primary election fair and square.

Q: Why will Jane Fonda vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Because Ho Chi Minh is dead.

Q: Why will Ho Chi Minh vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Because Ho Chi Minh is dead.

Q: Why will Jay Leno vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Because he's running out of George Bush jokes.

Q: Why will David Letterman vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Because he's running out of Jay Leno's George Bush jokes.

Q: Why will Britney Spears vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Because she's running out of other crazy things to do.

Q: Why will Senator Ted Kennedy vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Brain tumor.

Q: Will Senator Larry Craig vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: He'll stall first.

Q: How will Osama Bin Laden vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Absentee ballot.

Q: Why will terrorist Bill Ayers vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Bill thinks Obama's the bomb.

Q: Why will sharks vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
A: Professional courtesy.

Q: What did Barack Hussein Obama ask when he learned that Russia invade Georgia?
A: Is South Carolina next?

Q: What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Hussein Obama?
A: One is a well dressed, attractive piece of eye-candy. The other kills her own food.

Q: What does Barack Hussein Obama say when you sneeze around him?
A: I bless you.

Q: What happens when Barack Hussein Obama mentions his relationship with Saul Alinsky?
A: He turns red.

Q: Have you seen the new bumper sticker?
A: It's Obama bin Biden.

Q: What's the difference between Osama bin Laden and Obama bin Biden?
A: With Obama bin Biden, you get two for the price of one.

Q: What's the difference between Obama and Osama?
A: Just a little BS.

Q: What did Barack Hussein Obama say when the Reverend Jeremiah Wright asked if he was listening during his sermons?
A: "I'm all ears."

Q: Why didn’t Barack Hussein Obama notice all of the terrible things Pastor Wright was saying?
A: He was too busy polishing his halo.

Q: Speaking of ears, what's the difference between Barack Hussein Obama and Dumbo?
A: Dumbo is smarter than he looks.

Q: Why did Barack Hussein Obama cross the road?
A: To help the other side.

Q: Why did John McCain cross the road?
A: He didn't. He got to the middle and stopped.

Q: Why won't Barack Hussein Obama laugh at himself?
A: He doesn't want to be accused of being a racist.

Q: Why won't Barack Hussein Obama drink Pepsi?
A: He wrote in his book that he prefers Coke.

Q: Why is Barack Hussein Obama so skinny?
A: He has to stay light on his feet to walk on water.

Q: Where did Barack Hussein Obama decry the influence of money on politics?
A: Barbara Streisand’s $28,500 a plate dinner.

Q: What do Miley Cyrus and Barack Hussein Obama have in common?
A: They both attract young people with mindless verses.

Q: What’s the difference between Michelle Obama and a pit bull?
A: Pit bulls aren’t angry *ALL* the time.

Q: What do the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Barack Hussein Obama have in common?
A: Both are shifting to the Left.

Q: What was the most positive result of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?
A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road.

Q: Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton were in a plane going to do a campaign together ... the plane crashes over the ocean, and they're both drowning ... Who gets saved?


Unnerved by a tough question from a 7-year old about whether or not war is ever justified, Barack Hussein Obama struggled to come up with an answer. Finally, he allowed that he would probably have supported World War II, reluctantly. "After the Germans dropped The Bomb on Pearl Harbor, President Truman really didn't have much choice but to declare war," said the Senator.

As part of the "Spare Change America Can Believe In" program, the Barack Hussein Obama campaign today announced a plan to increase the number of states to 62. According to the press release, the plan would add five additional states, "We're going to bring in all three Canadian provinces, plus Alaska and Idahoe."

Interesting fact: If you add John McCain's age and Barack Hussein Obama's age together you'll get the number of times Barack Hussein Obama usually says "uh" when answering a question.

Barack Hussein Obama is proposing a Fairness in bowling bill. Nobody gets a 300 but then again nobody gets a 34 either.

Any candidate that John McCain picks to be his vice president will necessarily be a younger candidate than he is. Any candidate Barack Hussein Obama picks to be his vice president will necessarily be better candidate than he is.

It's a hard election for conservatives this year. They'll have to hold their noses tight in order to cast a vote for John McCain. But they'll have to hold on even tighter to their wallets if Barack Hussein Obama gets elected.

People worry that John McCain, if elected, might not last four years due to his age. Others worry that America, if Barack Hussein Obama is elected, might not last four years due to his policies.

And just when I thought we couldn't possibly ever have a President dumber than Bush, Barack Hussein Obama shows up. Go figure.

"After eight years of Bush I am not in a joking mood." Then Barack Hussein Obama is certainly the candidate for you. If elected, he will make sure no one jokes again. Right after he makes what you eat and drive acceptable to the Third World.


"As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that America gave him the White House based on the same credentials."
- Newt Gingrich

The good news is that, according to the Obama administration, the rich will pay for everything. The bad news is that, according to the Obama administration, you're rich.
- P. J. O'Rourke

"Barack Obama continues to criticize John McCain's economic plan. McCain would like to criticize Obama's plan, but nobody knows what it is yet."
- Jay Leno

"The stock market was up 400 points today, or as the Democrats call it,­ terrible news."
- Jay Leno

"Obama's people are trying to portray McCain as cranky, and McCain is trying to portray Obama as arrogant. And when Obama was asked what he thought about being called arrogant, he said he was 'above having to answer that question.'"
- Jay Leno

"They’re saying that Barack Obama is starting to slip in the polls. But don’t worry, he has a plan. He’s going to go back to campaigning in Europe."
- David Letterman

"See Barack Obama on the news? He's becoming a workout fanatic? He's at the gym, like, twice a day, sometimes three times a day at the gym, yeah, according to his staff. Well, he has to stay in shape to do those flip-flops."
- Jay Leno

"They really love Barack Obama in Germany. He's like a rock star over there. Impressive until you realize that David Hasselhoff is also like a rock star over there."
- Jimmy Kimmel

"Barack Obama said Sarah Palin pretends to be against earmarks when she lobbied for them and John McCain pretends to be against lobbyists when they run his campaign. That's politics. Barack Obama pretends to be black and Joe Biden pretends to have hair."
- Argus Hamilton

"Both McCain and Senator Barack Obama are trying to woo voters who are outside their natural demographic. In this election, for Senator Obama, that means trying to reach working class, non-Muslim white women who love America."­
- Jon Stewart

"Barack Obama now says he is open to offshore oil drilling. So, apparently, when he promised change, he was talking about his mind."
- Jay Leno

"After a quick meet-and-greet with King Abdullah, Obama was off to Israel, where he made a quick stop at the manger in Bethlehem where he was born."
- Jon Stewart, on Barack Obama's Middle East trip

"Today Barack Obama made history by being the first man to travel in a plane propelled by the media’s flash photography."
­ - Stephen Colbert

"Obama said he wanted to visit Iraq and Afghanistan because he wanted to see an area overrun by violent extremists. So it sounds like he already misses his old church."
- Jay Leno

"Joe Biden is Barack Obama's running mate. Yeah, nothing says change like a guy who's been in the Senate for 35 years."
- David Letterman

"Barack Obama said today that politics has become too gummed up by money and influence ... and then he had to leave to attend a fundraiser."
- Jay Leno

"Barack Obama is very concerned about the global threat posed by melting ice in the South Pole. So he's come up with a solution: direct negotiations with Antarctica."
- Howard Mortman

"I refer to him as B. Hussein Obama. He’s half white and half black, half Christian and half Muslim and half atheist. Something there for every Democrat."
- Ann Coulter

"The other day the plane that Barack Obama was on had some mechanical difficulties and was forced to land. Well, the National Transportation Safety Board did an inspection on the plane, and you know what they found? The bolts on the plane were fine, but apparently Jesse Jackson had taken some of the nuts off."
- Jay Leno

"Don't ask, don't tell is back. Not for gay's in the military, it's President Obama's new policy for questions about Libya."
- Jay Leno

"Giving money and power to Barack Obama is like giving liquor and car keys to a teenage boy." (Tip o’ the hat to P. J. O’Rourke)


Cut military spending despite increased terror threat.
Higher taxes to fund welfare and socialized health care.
Abandon Iraq to Al Qaeda, the perpetrators of 9/11.
New global warming tax on business and consumers.
Grant Amnesty to 20 million illegal immigrants.
End construction of border fence, legalize marijuana.


Yes, Obama will change America!
- More government intrusion into your life.
- More taxes out of your paycheck.
- Less money for your family.
- A lower standard of living.
- Smaller cars and more bike lanes.
- More "dumbing down" of our kids.
- fewer jobs.
- Prove America is a "Paper Tiger".
- Amnesty for illegal aliens.
- Bring the "War on Terror" home.
Change America into a Socialist Country!

The tally is in --

2 million people attended the Inauguration of our new president.

Only 14 missed work!

You gotta love this girl.

Maxine On Obama.

It seems that once again, all us white folks have missed a great opportunity.

While all the black people attended Obama's inauguration and parades, we should have broken into their homes and gotten all our shit back.

Fox News Update

In response to Barack Obama's complaint that FOX News doesn't show enough Black and Hispanic people on their network, FOX has announced that they will now air "America 's Most Wanted" twice a week.

REPORTER (to Barack Hussein Obama): At the Academy Awards, Jon Stewart made fun of the fact that your last name, Obama, sounds like Osama, the name of the most hated man on the planet. What is your reaction?

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (to reporter): Besides the unfortunate name similarity, Osama Bin-Laden and I have nothing in common. One of us is a confident, ethnic man with devoted supporters and a clear vision for the future, and the other is about to be elected President.

The 2008 Republican Strategy!!!

There are less than eight months until the election -- an election that will decide the next President of the United States. The person elected will be the President of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. To show our solidarity as Americans, let's all get together and show each other our support for the candidate of our choice. It's time that we all came together, Democrats and Republicans alike.

If you support the policies and character of John McCain, please drive with your headlights on during the day.

If you support Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, please drive with your headlights off at night.

Q: Why are so many Barack Hussein Obama appointees caught breaking the tax laws?
A: Like Barack Hussein Obama, they all hate America and and have contempt for all the laws and all citizens.

The joke is on the American public for electing Barack Hussein Obama and not expecting this to happen.

"No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20 percent off the top"
- Barack Hussein Obama

Welcome To America, Land Of Opportunity!

- Where an arab, muslim, foreign born person can run on the black, christian, native born American platform and win!

- Where someone can run on the I'm black, and if you oppose me you are a racist platform and win.

- Where someone who hates the country can become the leader so he can destroy the country, and anyone opposing the destruction are considered traitors.

- Where a criminal record and the ability to lie are the sole requirements for election or appointment to public office.

This came from a Marine's wife. It says it all:

I sat, as did millions of other Americans, and watched as the government underwent a peaceful transition of power a few months ago. At first, I felt a swell of pride and patriotism while Barack Obama took his Oath of office.

However, all that pride quickly vanished as I later watched 21 Marines, in full dress uniform with rifles, fire a 21-gun salute to the President. It was then that I realized how far America's Military had deteriorated.

Every last one of them missed!

Clunker Math: Think of it this way:

A clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800 gallons of gas a year.

A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US gas consumption by 320 gallons per year.

They claim 700,000 vehicles so that's 224 million gallons saved per year.

That equates to about 5 million barrels of oil; and 5M barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.

More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars.

So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.

Hence, we spent $8.57 for every dollar saved.

I'm pretty sure they will do a great job with health care, though.

Bush to be honored by the Obama Administration

In a reconciliatory move by the Obama administration, the president has asked the U. S. Board on Geographical Names to name the fault line beneath Haiti after the 43rd president of the United States, George W.Bush.

This particular fracture in the tectonic plate will henceforth be called "Bush's Fault."

A woman applying for a job in a Florida lemon grove seemed to be far too qualified for the job. The foreman frowned and said, "I have to ask you this; have you had any actual experience in picking lemons?"

She replied: "I've been divorced three times and I voted for Obama."

Dear Mr. Grim Reaper,

So far this year you have taken away my personal favorite dancer and entertainer Michael Jackson, favorite actor Patrick Swayze, favorite actress Farrah Fawcett and my favorite singer Stephen Gatelly Boyzone.

Just so you know, my favorite politician is Barack Obama.

Thank you

An elderly lady was walking on the golf course on the island of Martha's Vineyard. She slipped and fell.

Barack Hussein Obama who was behind her by chance, helped her to get up promptly. She thanked him and he answered:
"It was a pleasure to help you. Don't you recognize me? I am running for president. Are you going to vote for me in the next election?"

The elderly woman laughed and replied:
''I fell on my ass ... not my head!"

Over 5000 years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel ... "Pick up your shovel, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the promised land."

Nearly 75 years ago, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a camel. This is the "promised land."

Now, Obama has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of camels, and mortgaged the "promised land!"

Cafe Press show your displeasure with anti-obama products (bumper stickers, t-shirts, ...).

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