anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome:

If you have to check the message on a stranger's red baseball cap to decide if you hate them ... you might have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump to be indicted for the shooting of J.R.Ewing in 1980 according to my source a Democrat insider..
- RealMattCrouch

Give a Democrat a fish and he'll eat for a day.
Teach a Democrat to fish ... and he'll steal your rod, take your wallet, sexually assault the fish and then blame President Trump.

Since the release of the Durham report, it looks like the only ones NOT involved in Russia/Trump collusion were Russia and Trump.

Given Durham's findings that there was no basis for the actions taken by the FBI in launching this investigation, this would be a good time for former House intelligence Chair Adam Schiff to reveal that evidence he said showed the Russian collusion ...
- JonathanTurley

I am so confused.
If President Trump is such a hate-mongering SOB, why aren't his suppporters murdering cops, destroying property, and breaking laws?

The banking system is collapsing.
Arrest Donald Trump.

Trump colluded with Russia!. No. That was Hillary Clinton.
Trump kept kids in cages! No. That was Barack Obama.
Trump obstructed an active investigation. No. That was Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.
Trump had a Quid Pro Quo in Ukraine! No. That was Joe Biden.

2015 We got him now!
2016 We got him now!
2017 We got him now!
2018 We got him now!
2019 We got him now!
2020 We got him now!
2021 We got him now!
2022 We got him now!
2022 We got him now!

Breaking News:
Reporter: What did you have for breakfast?
Trump: I had bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Reporter: So you are saying you "kill all vegans"?

If you voted for Biden because you hated Trump, you're an a$$hole.
If you voted for Biden because you honestly felt he was better, you're a stupid a$$hole.

Don't let Trump cheat in 2024
Demand voter ID.

To those who say Trump divided this country, you're correct. He divided common sense and good, from stupidity and evil.

If Trump ever hurt your feelings ...
shut the fuck up and blame your parents for raising a pussy.

Barron Trump is reportedly considering getting into crack cocaine, Russian prostitutes, and corrupt international business dealings to get the FBI to leave him alone.

Name a single business that boarded up their windows becausse they are afraid of President Trump supporters.

It was not a raid. It was a 9.5 hour occupation. 270 man hours.
This was a military operation against a political dissident.
- CharlieKirk11

At the end of his presidency, Barack Obama trucked 30 million pages of his administration's records to Chicago, promising to digitize them and eventually put them online-a move that outraged historians. More than five years after Obama's presidency ended, the National Archives webpage reveals that zero pages have been digitized and disclosed.
- RealDonaldTrump


Donald Trump's tweets are only mean if you're an oversensitive pussy.

BREAKING: Six more women have come forward with allegations that Trump tried to grab their steering wheels.
- ThatMattersNews

The January 6th Committe finally found its smoking gun:
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw President Trump say some things that Liz Cheney thought were bad. I gues it's pretty serious.

News reports.
Trump can't hald a glass of water.
Trump can't walk down an incline.
Trump CAN take out the Secret Service like Jason Bourne.

To the people who fly private but lecture us about the government.
To the people who live in gated communities but lecture us about building walls.
To the people who travel with armed guards and lecture us about guns:
Your bottomless hypocrisy is why America chooses Trump.
- Candace Owens

Can someone explain to me why Putin would go through all that trouble to get Trump elected if he was just going to wait until Biden was in power to attack Ukraine anyways?
- LibertariansDP

Give a Democrat a fish and he'll eat for a day.
Teach a Democrat to fish and he'll steal your rod, take your wallet, and sexully assault the fish, and blame President Trump.

If you still hate Trump after the shit show we've been living for the last six months, your commitment to stupidity is impressive.

If Trump supporters are the "American Taliban" when do we get our free military equipment?

I'd love a mean tweet and $1.43 gas right now.

The only evidence of Trump speaking with a Russian Agent before the election was his conversation with Hillary Clinton.

To all the liberals who have been calling Trump Hitler for the last 4 years:
Trump never censored free speech, YOU DID!
Trump never used the media to silence his political opposition, YOU DID!
Trump never threatened to take away the people's guns, YOU DID!
Trump never threatened to put people who disagreed with him politically into reeducation camps, YOU DID!
You might want to take a good long look in the mirror.

Trump was right and many Democrats are wrong.

And in breaking news:
The people who said Trump would destroy America are destroying America.

Trump returns to the White Housse, having accomplished more in 3 days at the hospital ... than Biden did in his 47 years in government.

Trump is 73 and doesn't wear glasses,
because he's got 2020.

Doctors are confirming that President Trump needs to rest comfortably in the White House for four more years.

Based on the unpresidential debate, Trump's real opponent is Chris Wallace.

If the riots are really Trump's fault, do you think Democrats and the media would've spent the last 6 months calling them peaceful protests?

Life or Death Choice:
Trump: Endorsed by the NRA and law enforcement.
Biden: Endorsed by BLM, Antifa, and Planned Parenthood.

Hillary Clinton-destroyed phones with hammers and wiped her email server
Lois Lerner-"lost" 24,000 emails
Robert Mueller & his team-"accidentally" wiped 31 phones before an investigation
...And these are the same people constantly accusing *Trump* of a cover up?
- Charlie Kirk

BLM did not start under Trump, it started under Obama.
The war on police didn't start under Trump, it started under Obama.
This racial tension did not start under Trump, it started under Obama.
Obama emboldened this hate through his administration and now we're paying the cost.

Trump loves miners.
Biden loves minors.

The LameStream media are concerned.
How can they blame Trump for the riots when the media claims riots don't exist?

Joseph Biden is the Loch Ness Monster of The Swamp.
- Donald Trump Jr.

Liberals are so upset with Trump, you would think he stole 90%, of the Haitian relief fund, sold 20% of our uranium to Russia, deleted 33,000 emails, and let innocent Americans die in Benghazi.

NO JOKE. Yes, she really said this!
And once Trump's gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions because we'll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in this great nation. For it is you that betrayed us.
- Kamala Harris, June 18, 2020

2016 Democrats screamed that Trump was going to destroy America.
2020 Democrats literally destroying America.

If I'm a racist for voting Trump, you're a pedophile for voting Biden.

Black Lives Matter!*
*Except unborn black babies, black cops, black Trump voters, black business owners, black on black homicide victims, ...

The same people who said "Trump will destroy America" are burning America to the ground.

Donald Trump is so far behind in the polls, it reminds me of the night he won the presidency.

The same people who questioned Trump's mental health, are unconcered about Joe Biden's mental health.
Joe Biden, the man who doesn't know what day it is, what office he is running for, or much of anything else.

The same people telling Trump he doesn't know anything about medicine are the same one listening to a 16 year old on climate change.

Just to review the Democrats' plan to confront the China Virus:
- Let criminals out of prison
- Ban private citizens from buying guns
- Open our borders
- Obsess over the name of the virus instead of a cure
- Increase abortion funding
Yet they attack Trump's response?
- Charlie kirk

The same people who call Trump a fascist are now in favor of closing our borders, our schools, our business and our right to leave the house.

Remember they impeached Trump for withholding aid to Ukraine. Now they are withholding aid to the American people.

My car has three pedals and I've only got rwo feet.
It must be climate change and therefore Trumps fault.

Donald Trump to Mitt Romney:
Elizabeth Warren is more Indian then you are Republican.

Why are so many blaming Trump for killing a terrorist? Shouldn't you be blaming the missile? That's what you do with guns ... right?

If we get nuked, it will be by:
Missiles built with American technology sold to China by Bill Clinton.
Funded by billions of American dollars given to Iran by Barack Obama.
With warheads of American uranium sold to Russia by Hillary Clinton,
But somehow Trump is the traitor?

Democrats are going to impeach Trump.
For obstructing their attempt to frame him.

Eric Holder, former attorney general of the United States called Trump dangerous.
Maybe Trump needs to sell firearms to Mexican drug lords to gain the approval of Eric "Fast and Furious" Holder.

At this point, if a dead body was found in Hillary's car the FBI would ask Trump why he did it.

Liberals are outraged Trump fired an ambassador, but they weren't when one was killed and paraded dead through Benghazi.

If you think you're so much smarter than Trump, always remember: He's a billionaire president, and you're sitting at a computer throwing a tantrum.
- W.Kelly Lucas

I still don't understand how the man who had never served in public office before being elected president is blamed for America's problems by the people we have had in Congress since the 1970s.

Nancy Pelosi shouldn't be mad that President Trump didn't tell her what was about to go down; Hell, he didn't tell al-Baghdadi either!
- Diamond and Silk

When I first heard that Trump took out the leader of ISIS I thought he got Obama.

If Trump actually did all the things he's accused of doing, he could run as a Democrat!

Roses are red,
liberals are insane,
anybody entering the US illegally,
will be arrested and detained.
- the poetry of Donald Trump.

I'm a tolerant liberal and I hate Trump.
You'd better agree with me or you're a Nazi, racist, Russian bot.

Hey Democrats. If a million Russians came across our border illegally to vote for Trump, would that be OK? Asking for a friend.

Remember, no matter how much you cry like a baby, whine like a spoiled brat, or scream at the sky like a lunatic, Trump is still your president.

The difference between Hitler and Trump is that one killed 6,000,000 Jews and the other hurt your feelings.

Trump's economy means more and more young people will find jobs and move out of their mother's basement.
OMG. Trump is separating children from their parents!!!

The same people who are outraged by President Trump separating children from their parents at the border just voted to make post-birth abortion legal in America.

If women are upset at Trump's naughty words, who in hell bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray?

President Trump should nominate Hillary Clinton for the next opening on the Supreme Court. Then he can finally get her investigated.

Watching the left come up with new schemes to try to "catch Trump" is the same as watching Wile E. Coyote try to catch the roadrunner.

President Trump's wall costs less than the Obamacare website. Let that sink in America.
- Tim Allen

Let this sink in:
President Trump's wall costs less than all the Obamacare websites.
And unlike Obamacare the wall will actually work!

If we had the money spent on trying to impeach Trump, we could have built a wall around the whole country!

Trump should make the wall out of Russian collusion. People can't get over it.

Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated!

Nancy Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union. President Trump invited victims of illegal aliens to the State of the Union. Let that sink in.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to ban cars, ban planes, give out universal income and thinks socialism works.
She calls Donald Trump crazy.

To all anti-Trump protesters:
Thank you for showing everyone just how idiotic liberals are and giving us Trump supporters a laugh.

Breaking wind from CNN! Nadler, Schiff, and Cummings announce they will conduct hearings to prove Donald Trump kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, brought down the Hindenburg and sank the Lusitania.
- Gov. Mike Huckabee

I love how liberals went from calling Trump supporters racist inbreds to voting for a woman like Ilhan Omar who is anti-semitic and married to her own brother.

Oprah Winfrey is worth over $3 billion and yet lectures us about income equality.
Giving parenting advice yet she has no children.
Giving out marital advice yet she's never been married!
Why do people take her advice?
- Donald Trump

Chuck Schumer has been in office since 1981 and Nancy Pelosi since 1987. They both blame Trump for every problem, but Trump has only been in office for two years ....

Quite frankly, for Trump to receive a nice welcome in California he'd have to come in illegally.
- Dennis Miller

Libs are upset there's no inaugural poet. I'm happy to fill in.
Roses are red violets are blue,
Trump won so screw you.
- Ann Coulter

Democrats produce mobs, Republicans produce jobs!
- Donald Trump

If I said it was wrong to shit in your pants, every Democrat would walk around with a full load.
- Donald Trump

You don't hand matches to an arsonist, and you don't give power to an angry left-wing mob.
- President Trump

If I start opposing the border wall, the Democrats will insist on building it because they have to oppose anything I support.
- Donald Trump

Breaking News:
Trump to start deporting Democrats.
Mexico responds by starting to build border wall.

Imagine if Trump fined everyone who didn't want the wall. Kinda like Obama did with Obamacare.

Why are you still complaining about Trump?
Shouldn't you be a Canadian by now?

My new neighbor is a liberal feminist. I just renamed my WiFi to TrumpIsYourPresident.

Santa Trump:
He's makin' a list and checkin' it twice.
Gonna find out who gets deported by ICE.

After a year of zero evidence of Russian collusion, I have decided to continue my investigation for the simple reason that Trump was not supposed to win.
- Robert Mueller, witchfinder general of the Trump witch hunt.

The Democrat campaign for 2018 is:
Impeach Trump, higher taxes, no I.C.E. and no straws.
What could possibly go wrong!

Voting for Trump is like playing Country Music backwards ...
You get your house back, your car back, your job back and your country back.
- Charlie Daniels

Take the skydive without a parachute challenge to protest Donald Trump.

Breaking News:
West Hollywood City Council passes resolution to remove Donald Trump's Walk of Fame star.
Bill Cosby's star is still there, because in Hollywood, convicted rapists are preferable to Republicans.
- @SeanmDav

This weeks recap:
- Strikes trade deal with EU
- Called twitter out on shadowbanning
- Brought back soldier remains from North Korea
- Historic 4.1% GDP
Democrats: - Banned straws.

Cutting welfare to illegal aliens would pay for Trump's wall.
- James Woods

Trump is going to condemn cannibalism so he can watch the liberals eat each other in protest.

Every time Trump fires an Obama appointee, an angel gets its wings!

I told a liberal I identify as a Trump gender.
He got so offended that he actually told me there are only two genders!

If Trump is literally Hitler, then who am I?
- Adolf Hitler

Breaking News:
The Democrats held a press conference to announce that President Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court has views that are extreme, and deeply concerning. We strongly object, and we are going to fight this nomination ... as soon as we find out who it is.

Breaking News:
Gloria Allred will be holding a press conference detailing the sexual assault allegations made by her client, a Chicago woman, against President Trump's Supreme Court Nominee ... Whoever that eventually is!

Bill Clinton: I passed a law in 1996 that separates kids from parents who enter the U.S. illegally.
Barack Obama: I enforced the law he passed for two terms.
Donald Trump: Isn't it hilarious that democrats are demonizing me for enforcing their law?

College professor to class: Who can tell me the square root of impeach Trump?

Leftist Prayer:
Dear God (If you even exist)
Please destroy America so it makes Trump look bad.

Leftist: Trump brought peace to Korea. Now I have to hate peace.

Breaking News: The 9th Circut Court orders Kim Jong-un to continue developing nuclear weapons.

We're at the point where it's more acceptable to curse the President (Trump) at an awards show ... than to insult murderous MS-13 gang members.
- @Hale_Razor

Breaking: Donald Trump's Lawyer Sends FBI Tip He is Potential School Shooter So They'll Ignore Him from Now On

BOMBSHELL: Evidence proves Donald Trump conspired with his campaign to defeat Hillary Clinton
- The People's Cube

The 8 years under Obama has proven one old saying to be true beyond any doubt. "It’s always darkest before Don (Trump)."
- Dangerous Troll

If DACA recipients were likely to vote for Trump’s second term, Pelosi and Schumer would be the first ones putting on their safety hats and building the wall themselves.
- Dangerous Troll

Any woman who marched in the Womens March 2018 please answer either of these two questions
1) What is a single right men have that you don’t?
2) What is a single right Trump has taken away from you since becoming President?
If you can answer either of these, I’ll put on a pussy hat and march with you.
- Dangerous Troll

Democrats chose:
Israel’s enemies over Israel
Rigged elections over democracy
Socialism over Capitalism
Criminals over Police
Globalism over America
Wall Street over Main Street
Illegal immigrants over citizens
That’s why America chose Trump over Hillary
- Dangerous Troll

Further proof that Trump is sexist. Every single one of the Fake News Awards were won by men.
- Dangerous Troll

Make Alexandria Go Away

Those whom Trump would destroy, he first makes mad.

Trump should tweet something antigun. I just want to see liberals defend the Second Amendment.

Liberals are outraged Trump sided with the only country in the Middle East that doesn't want us dead.

This winter it's recommended that pictures of President Trump be added to snow plows.
Because nothing melts snowflakes faster.

I don't see why Trump's climate decision was such a big deal ... Thousands of guys have pulled out of Paris (Hilton) before.

If Trump voters all died, who would pay for the welfare of Hillary voters?

All those Democrats acting like Trump is going to round people up and put them in camps based on race, like he's FDR or something.

If Trump is not your president, why do you want to fight in his military?
Asking for a friend.

Seeing the media interpret Donald Trump's actions is like watching chimpanzees do color commentary on a chess match.

Breaking news: Cher states, "When I watch Donald Trump I want to blow my brains out."
In other news: Donald Trump continues to support the second amendment.

Trump's tweets are beneath the dignity of the White House, where presidents diddle interns with cigars and run guns to Mexico.
- Ann Coulter

Trump's decision on Paris accord has lefties everywhere shitting bricks. Now if they could just shit some rebar, we could build the wall!
- Ann Coulter

Jake Tapper just claimed Trump has offended every single group "from Muslims to Hispanics." One group he hasn't offended: Americans.
- Ann Coulter

Trump's supporters may be deplorable, but Hillary's supporters are deportables.

At this point if President Trump cured cancer liberals would complain he is taking work from the grim reaper.

Democrats: Don't kill yourselves. Enjoy all eight years of Trump.

Democrat Pollster to Republican homeowner:
Hello! Our research indicates you're one of millions of ignorant, racist, sexist, transphobic, mouth breathing, paste eating, opioid adicted, cousin-loving, bible thumping, white trash, alt-right, Nazi fascist Trump voters.
We're just trying to understand how we lost you.

It seems to me that blaming Trump for the violence of protesters ...
is like blaming the twin towers for having gotten in the way of jets.

Donald Trump has been in the public eye for over 30 years.
He was never once acused of being racist by anyone until he decided to run against the Democrats.

I have a dream:
Millions of liberals cross the border illegally into Mexico to escape Donald Trump's presidency.

The election of Trump did NOT create the left's hate, it revealed it.

The election of Donald Trump has the Democrats more upset than when the Republicans freed their slaves.

Nancy Pelosi says Trump is bringing Dishonor to the presidency.
Pelosi talking about Honor is like a Hooker talking about virtue.
- Chuck Woolery

Why are libs demanding evidence that Obama spied on Trump?
Unnamed sources and baseless claims were enough to satisfy their Russia hysteria.
- Paul Joseph Watson

Newest scandal.
Trump used Russian Dressing during campaign.

I'd like to see Donald Trump relocate a thousand Syrian refugees to Beverly Hills and THEN gauge Hollywood's take on the subject.
- Dinesh DeSouza

Leftist Lament: Impeach Trump or we're moving to Canada.
Rightist Response: Yeah right. You can't even move out of your parent's basement.

California February 11, 2017: We hate Trump so much that we are going to secede from the union.
California February 12, 2017: We need federal emergency help now.

Love trumping hate involves a lot more assault and arson than I thought it would.

The government has confirmed it has received a petition of over 1 million signatures to ban Donald Trump from coming to Britain.
It's also been confirmed that they haven't seen an English name yet.

Obama: I've got a pen and a phone.
Trump: That's nice. I've got white out and a trash can.

High school teacher: I'm not going to share my political beliefs, it's unprofessional.
College professor: What is the square root of fuck Trump?

Madonna: I am ashamed to be an American.
Trump: We are ashamed that you are American.

Lincoln did what Trump is doing.
And Democrats hated him for it, too.
In fact, a Democrat shot Lincoln for it.

In one day, Trump got more fat women out walking, than Michelle Obama did in eight years.

I was part of a 30 million woman march on November 8, 2016.
We marched our asses right into a voting booth and voted Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.

If Trump is not your president, then this is not your country.
You are not a tree.

I never anticipated that one of the great joys of the Trump election would be the Liberal Meltdown. God, this is sinfully delicious fun!
- James Woods

The road ahead is going to be tough for Donald Trump, what with his lack of community organizing experience.
- Pat Sajak

So by applying the "projection principle," if politicians think the only reason Trump is friendly to Russia is that Russia has compromising information on him...
We can assume that THOSE politicians are only friendly to entities that have compromising information on THEM. Right?

Trump - Whitehouse
Hillery - Jailhouse
Bernie - Nuthouse
Obama - Outhouse

Give a man who is here illegally, a fish and you can feed him for a day. Deport that man and you never have to feed him again.
- Trump 20:16

When 'Trump protestor' is the highest paying job you're qualified to do, it's the liberal media/education complex you should be protesting.

heard on the radio recently:
How do you break up a homeless encampment?
Give all the homeless Trump t-shirts and hats and let the liberals evict them for you.

Obama played the race card, Hillary played the woman card, and America played the Trump card.

Muslim: Reema is only 5 years old. She knows that we're Muslim and started crying when she saw Donald Trump winning.
American: Tell your wife to stop crying. Everything will be alright.

Want to stop the anti-Trump riots?
Just play the National Anthem. They'll all sit their asses down.

Hillary supporters voted for her.
Dead people who can't vote, voted for her.
Illegals who shouldn't vote, voted for her.
Trump/Bernie supporters who had their vote stolen voted for her.
She still lost.

Liberal mental gymnastics
- Twitter is a private company. If you don't like the rules, make your own company! Stop whining when we censor you!
- Twitter is a public utility. It's illegal for Trump to block me! That's censorship. That is sooo wrong!
It's hard work being this stupid.

Q: How do you sound the alarm on Obama and Hillary's bullshit?
A: You Trumpet?

Q: Are Trump's Tweets undermining confidence in the Government?
A: If people had confidence in the government, Hillary Clinton would be president.

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